4) Oral language development

How can I support my Multilingual Learners’ oral language development?

Strategy Overview: Math Activities/Actividades for Families

This website offers over twenty quick, fun activities that families can do with children to engage in math. Examples include songs, games and question routines. An English/Español tab at the top of the page provides access to all content in both languages.
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Strategy Overview: Math Activities/Actividades for Teachers

This website offers twelve instructional activities for small group work or centers, across multiple domains of math. For example, opportunities for engagement with pattern-making, analyzing data, and creating and sorting with manipulatives. An English/Español tab at the top of the page provides access to all content in both languages.
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Strategy Overview: Thinking Outside the ABAB box

Strategy Overview: This resources offers tips on how to use intentional prompting, songs and gestures to develop Multilingual Learners' skills with mathematical patterns.
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Vignette: “What do you Notice?”

This vignette exemplifies how teachers implement the "What do you Notice?" strategy to observe what students know and can express about mathematical patterns.
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Strategy Overview: How to Use Picture Books (with math)

This resource offers guidance on how to use picture books to develop not only language, but mathematical content learning for Multilingual Learners. It includes prompts for before, during and after reading, along with booklists for five different areas of math.
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Video: Measurement & Data

These short videos are examples of teachers using explicit prompting to develop math vocabulary and thinking during a play-based time in the PK classroom, and circle time in elementary grades.
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Strategy Overview: Describe, Draw, Describe

The Describe, Draw, Describe strategy is an instructional activity that supports Multilingual Learners to both notice and describe their mathematical thinking about spacial relations. This resource includes examples and scripted language that the teacher uses to support both content and oral language development.
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Video: Counting

In this videoclip Gustavo counts and organizes colored block manipulatives during play-based activity time in the preschool classroom.
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Video: Use Visual Cues, Physical Gestures, Props, and Multimedia

This video provides key strategies that educators can use to support Multilingual Learners in their classroom. Great examples of strategies in practice are highlighted in the video, including translanguaging.
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Video: Key Practices That Support Language Development—Particularly for Young Dual Language Learners

This video provides examples of key practices that support language development for young Dual Language Learners, as shared by dual language experts and educators. Practices focus on creating a supportive classroom environment by inviting children to participate in extended conversations, offering a variety of language experiences, and supporting vocabulary development through the use of labels.
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Video: Language Function Wall—1st Grade

This video shows a first grade class engaged in the creation of a "Language Function Wall." This strategy helps students develop powerful academic language over the course of a thematic unit.
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Video: Sentence Patterning Chart—Kindergarten

In this bilingual classroom, students are engaged in creating a Sentence Patterning Chart, a strategy designed to help students utilize the high level, academic vocabulary they have acquired orally to read and/or write sentences with an emphasis on grammar and parts of speech.
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Video: Barrier Games

This video shows PreK students engaged in barrier games, a fun activity that builds speaking and listening skills.
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Video: Outdoor, Indoor & Family Inclusive Learning Environment—PK Bilingual

This video shows the power of thematic instruction and rich learning environments in a bilingual PreK classroom.
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Strategy Overview: Conducting a Family Oral History—K-3rd

Everyone has stories that are worth sharing! This strategy deepens a child's knowledge about their heritage, makes use of their home language, and opens opportunities to share their stories with their peers.
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Video: Oral Language Analysis—K-3rd

In this video, the teacher gathers a small group of Multilingual Learners to engage in a brief discussion in response to structured prompts regarding an artifact from the class' ongoing content learning. The teacher records each child's oral responses, and then analyzes the record to identify follow-up instruction they can provide during upcoming Designated ELD time.
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Resource Guide: A Deeper Look at Early Literacy

This interactive guide offers a comprehensive approach to literacy for Multilingual Learners. It is an overview of the language and literacy skills and instruction that children need at different stages of development. Common literacy terms are defined, instructional strategies are offered, and a picture of instruction, aligned across the grades is explained.
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Video: Making Butter—Small Group Instruction

In this video, the teacher works on a hands-on project to make butter with Multilingual Learners. The small group instruction supports multiple opportunities to practice oral language and writing in an authentic context.
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Video: Our Chicks Have Hatched!—A Home School Connection

The first clip of this video is a conversation between a parent and a child as they discuss a school project about chicks that have been sent home. The second clip shows how the school project was made in the classroom. Children interact with live chicks in the classroom while the teacher helps them identify and write the language they want to use to express what they have learned.
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Video: A Boy and His Puzzle

As a boy plays with a puzzle, both an English-speaking peer and the teacher help him develop and practice English learning.
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Video: A Felt Board Story

This video clip shows two Multilingual Learners practicing content vocabulary in both Spanish and English as they reenact a chant they have learned in class. The peer interaction provides an authentic space for them to support one another with language development in a fun, meaningful hands-on activity.
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Video: Toy Animals

This video clip shows both English and Spanish-speaking teachers developing student content knowledge about animals through oral conversations. Students then paint animals using toys as examples and share knowledge about their paintings so teachers can write down what each child says.
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Video: Talking Together

This is a montage of songs and chants that multilingual children sing to practice the English language. Hands-on experiences help focus children on the meaning of the words they are learning.
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Video: My Pumpkin Story—Metalinguistic Awareness

A teacher works with Wendy to orally discuss and write a story about a recent pumpkin project. When the teacher asks Wendy to take her writing home, the interaction changes to Spanish so Wendy can talk to her Spanish-speaking mother about her project.
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Video: Soyul & Teacher Yvette—Sandcastles

This video is an excerpt of the intentional work Teacher Yvette makes to help Soyul, a Korean-speaking Multilingual Learner, ask a friend to build a sandcastle. It is an example of providing support to help build peer interactions so children can practice language in an authentic context.
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Video: Soyul & Teacher Yvette—Beginning a New Language

This video is a series of excerpts from the first months of preschool for Soyul, a Korean-speaking Multilingual Learner. The video showcases instructional moves that the teacher, Yvette, makes to teach English language development during Soyul's initial silent period.
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Video: Relationships, Strategies & Culture

The focus of this video is to exemplify how purposeful oral language interactions contribute to a positive relationship with both children and families in early education. The teacher in this video "reaches across the language divide" to ensure both the child and parents know that the home language is respected and valued.
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Video: The Stages of Preschool Second Language Acquisition

In this video, the term the four stages of second language development for early education are described and then exemplified through teaching vignettes between one teacher and one Korean-speaking Multilingual Learner.
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Video: Engaging with Text and Narrative

This video begins by highlighting chants, songs, and intentional conversation that teachers facilitate to help young Multilingual Learners (MLs) to develop oral language. Further examples demonstrate how oral language can then transfer to written language and early reading opportunities. It is important for MLs to use developing literacy skills in authentic, print-rich learning contexts, where they feel ownership for their learning and knowledge.
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Video & Video Guide: Adventures in Preschool Second Language Acquisition

This video showcases the relationship between one teacher and one Korean-speaking Multilingual Learner and her family. The video includes vignettes of teaching, interviews with the teacher, the family, and administrators, and many rich examples of English development teaching strategies. The accompanying guide suggests moments in the video to pause to notice teachers’ practice, along with prompts for reflection and discussion.
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Early Childhood Examples and Definitions for Multilingual Learners

This document illustrates how to integrate concrete representations, realia, and objects from home to support oral language and vocabulary.
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Blog Series: Shifting Towards a Multilingual View of Biliteracy

This series includes 4 blog posts that are useful for teachers and administrators who are new to biliteracy models for instruction. The posts include information to help understand and advocate for these models for instruction.
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Resource Guide: Barrier Games

This is a list of resources for barrier games to use in the classroom. These games are designed to encourage oral language practice since one student is given information that another student needs.
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Digital Book: Developing Oral Language with Barrier Games

Barrier games are designed to promote oral language since one student is given information that another partner student needs. The lesson design encourages students to ask information of one another. This resource provides many example barrier games.
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Strategy Overview: Observation Pictures

When paired with open-ended questions, pictures can inspire analytical thinking and promote oral language through questioning and describing visual images. This strategy can be used as an open invitation into both language and content learning with Multilingual Learners.
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Video: Integrated Thematic Unit- PreK/TK

This video provides a rich opportunity to look inside a preschool classroom and note the intentional supports for oral language and content development in a thematic unit of study. The teacher implements various fun activities for students to explore and think deeply about the theme while developing both the home language and ELD skills.
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Website Article: Are Your Writers Talking During Writer’s Workshop?

Talking about writing is a way to support the writing process itself, particularly for Multilingual Learners (MLs). This article reviews instructional strategies that a teacher can use to direct MLs to use all of their linguistic resources during a writer's workshop.
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Webinar: Promoting Oracy in Spanish Language / El desarollo de la oralidad en español (Spanish)

This webinar given in Spanish focuses on developing oracy for Multilingual Learners. The research-based considerations for lesson design and example activities are introduced to support the development of oral expression, fluency, and comprehension during instruction.
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Curriculum Units: Mosaic Integrated Science, Math, and English Language Development

These are example curriculum units that integrate content learning with English language development. The units offer many instructional ideas to help teachers plan authentic, hands-on tasks for Multilingual Learners, and provide intentional context to practice content-based English language.
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Video: Model Curriculum for English Learners – Historical Perspectives (3rd grade)

An ELD teacher shares how she uses language objectives to design instruction for intermediate-level Multilingual Learners.
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Blog: Creating an Equitable Learning Environment for English Language Learners Through Being a Reader (Part 2)

This blog offers one example of how to engage Multilingual Learners prior to reading a shared text. Example prompts and instructional moves are shared to build background, preview the text, and establish language supports for text discussion.
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Strategy Overview: Fractions, Factors, and Functions, Oh My! Are My ELs Attaching Meaning to Math Words?

This guide helps teachers plan meaningful activities to make math accessible, hands-on, build on students' prior knowledge, and be language-focused. In these resources, teachers can read about the dos and don'ts of math vocabulary instruction for Multilingual Learners.
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Strategy Overview: Anchor Charts for Synonyms – A Vocabulary Strategy

The use of anchor charts in the math classroom creates rich opportunities for teachers to collect, discuss, and practice vocabulary with Multilingual Learners.
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Strategy Overview: Amplify and Facilitate Student Learning about Language

Attention and practice in the language of math is a critical part of instruction for Multilingual Learners. In these resources, teachers can read about the dos and don'ts of math instruction for Multilingual Learners.
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Strategy Overview: Talk Moves

This resource offers specific teacher language to use in order to facilitate and structure classroom discussions. These talk moves help create quality opportunities for Multilingual Learners to practice and use oral language.
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Strategy Overview: Bounce Cards for Primary Grades (Spanish and blank for other L1)

This strategy sets teachers up to distribute role cards to build structured conversation and promote quality oral language practice in the classroom.
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Strategy Overview: Bounce Cards for Primary Grades (English)

This strategy sets teachers up to distribute role cards to build structured conversation and promote quality oral language practice in the classroom.
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Strategy Overview: Narrative Input

After a shared reading of a text, students retell, act out, and/or capture key vocabulary and content information with a variety of experiences. This multi-day strategy builds on student's storytelling and oral language skills.
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Website Article: Adapting Morning Meeting Greeting for English Learners

Morning meetings are a common part of the instructional day. This article offers strategies on how to make Multilingual Learners feel welcome and included, along with activity ideas that draw on students' linguistic diversity.
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Video: Engaging Kindergartners with Academic Vocabulary

In this video, the teacher encourages kindergartners to listen for and use academic vocabulary to practice oral language fluency. The teacher uses a variety of strategies including chants, choral response, partner discussion, and extended wait time.
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Video: Juicy Sentence Example with Butterflies (K)

This video is an example of a teacher facilitating a "juicy sentence" discussion with a group of kindergarteners learning about butterflies. The juicy sentence strategy helps Multilingual Learners access complex text through the study of a mentor sentence.
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Strategy Overview: Selecting and Using Academic Vocabulary in Instruction

This document reviews criteria for how to select academic vocabulary for instruction with Multilingual Learners and offers other supports for vocabulary instruction.
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Strategy Overview: Routines for Mathematical Discussions

This document reviews multiple strategies that teachers can use to support a rich discussion of mathematics for Multilingual Learners. These strategies help teachers elicit talk and elaborate on student discussion during math, and can be adapted for other content areas as well.
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Strategy Overview: Juicy Sentence Guidance

This document reviews a strategy to help Multilingual Learners access complex text through the study of a mentor sentence. After selecting a "juicy" sentence, the teacher facilitates explicit discussion about the language structure, word choice, and layers of meaning found in the example.
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Strategy Overview: Supports for Writing and Discussion

This document outlines strategic scaffolding activities to support Multilingual Learners in writing and discussion, including sentence stems, signal words, and word banks.
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Blog: The Potential of Wordless Picture Books with English Learners

Wordless picture books can be "read" in many different ways with Multilingual Learners, both at home or in the classroom, to provide instruction on book concepts, to practice oral language fluency, and make connections between multiple languages.
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Strategy Overview: Graphic Organizers (Spanish)

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Website: Teacher Interactions and Strategies to Support Speaking for Dual Language Learners

This resource provides a list of strategies that teachers can use to support Multilingual Learners’ speaking skills. For example: Repeating and elaborating on children’s talk, reinforcing words from the unit of study, using visual cues and gestures, and providing MLs with more time to process speech.
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Website Article: Extending English Language Learners’ Classroom Interactions

This article introduces specific teacher language that can be used to promote interaction and extend opportunities for Multilingual Learners to practice academic language.
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Webinar: Supporting Dual Language Learners in the PreK Classroom

In this webinar, presenters discuss several strategies for supporting Multilingual Learners’ oral language and literacy development. Strategies include gathering information on children’s language and cultural background from families and talking with them about their language and learning goals for their children. Presenters also discuss how to display labels and functional print in multiple languages in the classroom, select content-specific words from texts and incorporate them into instruction, incorporate songs, and engage in interactive reading.
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Website Article: Many Languages, One Classroom

This article offers explicit strategies for teachers who have language-diverse classrooms. Ideas are offered on how to partner with families and set up a culturally and linguistically responsive classroom environment.
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Webinar: Supporting English Learner Students in the Early Grades

This link includes two webinars that share practical strategies for teachers to support the literacy and language development of Multilingual Learners in the early grades. The first webinar is "Scaffolding Emergent Reading, Oral Language, and Writing for Dual Language Learners/English Learners in PreK–1st Grade," and the second is "Language & Literacy Development in PreK–1st Grade: Words and More."
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Strategy Overview: Supporting Oral Language

To develop language, children need many opportunities to practice speaking. This overview describes how teachers can support families to give Multilingual Learners opportunities to practice oral language.
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Video: Draw & Label Strategy- 3rd grade

In this demonstration of the "Draw & Label" strategy, the teacher teaches academic and content vocabulary while drawing and creating a language resource for the Multilingual Learners in the class. This resource helps them engage with and practice content area vocabulary and concepts in multiple modalities.
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Video: Dialogic Reading Strategy- 2nd grade

The teacher demonstrates how multiple interactive reads of a key content-based text supports the literacy, oral language, and vocabulary development of the Multilingual Learners in the class. She explains academic and content-specific words and structures opportunities for students to elaborate on their thinking.
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Video: Dialogic Reading Strategy- Kindergarten

The teacher demonstrates how multiple interactive reads of a key content-based text supports the literacy and English language development of the Multilingual Learners in the class. She explains and reinforces target words and provides explicit instruction on book concepts and vocabulary.
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Video: Draw & Label Strategy- Kindergarten

In this demonstration of the "Draw & Label" strategy, the teacher teaches academic and content vocabulary while drawing and creating a language resource for the Multilingual Learners in the class. This resource helps them engage with and practice content area vocabulary and concepts in multiple modalities.
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Video: Shared Research Project- 1st grade

In this video, the teacher provides guidance on how to conduct research projects with Multilingual Learners to investigate a topic in which children are interested. The shared research project provides a hands-on, inquiry-based experience to help give content meaning and develop academic language and literacy skills.
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Video: Shared Research Project- 3rd grade

In this video, the teacher provides guidance on how to conduct research projects with Multilingual Learners to investigate a topic children are interested in. The shared research project provides a hands-on, inquiry-based experience to help give content meaning and develop academic language and literacy skills.
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Video & Video Guide: Integrated Thematic Unit – 3rd Grade

This video provides a rich opportunity to look inside a classroom and note the intentional supports for English language and literacy development embedded in a thematic unit of study. The teacher implements a Daily 5 structure, which allows Multilingual Learners to learn both academic language and content across multiple modalities and learning activities. The accompanying guide suggests moments in the video to pause to notice teachers’ practice, along with prompts for reflection and discussion.
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Video: Transfer and Integrated ELD in a Bilingual Classroom

The teacher in this bilingual classroom makes an intentional plan to develop literacy and oral language skills in two languages. She begins content instruction in Spanish to strengthen Multilingual Learners' understanding of key concepts, and then purposefully transitions to an integrated ELD block to offer speaking and writing practice in English.
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Video: Integrated & Designated ELD- 2nd grade

In this integrated ELD video, the teacher uses numerous structured supports, visual cues, and small grouping strategies throughout the lesson. Multilingual Learners have multiple opportunities to practice hearing, reading, speaking, and writing academic English language.
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Video: Integrated & Designated ELD- Kindergarten

In this integrated ELD video, the teacher focuses on developing the academic English language that Multilingual Learners need to access content instruction. She uses chants, repetition, small group instruction, and numerous other supports.
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Strategy Overview: Vocabulary in Context

This resource introduces teachers to all of the ways that vocabulary can be introduced, reinforced, and practiced across multiple lessons and activities. This helps Multilingual Learners learn key academic and content words in context.
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Strategy Overview: Teacher as Language Model

This resource outlines strategies teachers can use to model and extend Multilingual Learners' oral language skills. Strategies include narration (describing what the teacher is seeing and thinking) and amplification (paraphrasing a child's statement in more complex and extended language and asking a follow-up question).
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Strategy Overview: Dramatic Play & Researcher Center

This resource describes how to implement dramatic play and researcher centers in classrooms with Multilingual Learners. Centers are tied to the thematic content of a unit and provide children with the opportunity to engage in hands-on, inquiry-based experiences that give content and language meaning and purpose.
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Strategy Overview: Sentence Patterning Chart / La tabla de formación de oraciones

This resource introduces a strategy to model and write good descriptive sentences with Multilingual Learners. It combines language-based supports with opportunities for children to practice academic vocabulary and apply it to structured, content-based writing.
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Strategy Overview: Gallery Walks

In this culminating activity at the end of a thematic unit, posters and student work are displayed around the classroom while children guide family members, teachers, or peers through the room, explaining the concepts they've learned. The opportunity to explain concepts to visitors gives children an authentic purpose for using language and demonstrating their knowledge.
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Strategy Overview: Graphic Organizers

A graphic organizer is a visual map or diagram that displays relationships between facts, concepts, or ideas. For Multilingual Learners, this kind of visual display of information can lessen cognitive load and support transfer of knowledge across languages.
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Strategy Overview: Draw and Label

The teacher talks about a content concept while drawing and labeling an image with academic vocabulary. Through this strategy, the teacher uses oral and visual cues to help students develop and practice the language in context and learn key content.
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Strategy Overview: Draw, Tell, & Label

This resource describes how to implement the Draw, Tell, & Label strategy in classrooms with Multilingual Learners. This strategy provides multiple opportunities for children to engage with and practice content area vocabulary. This resource also includes guidance on building content understanding in the home language(s) and English.
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Strategy Overview: Draw and Dictate

In this strategy, a child draws a picture of their observation or idea, and then the teacher writes down the child's verbal explanation. This supports children's understanding of sound-text correspondence, helps them see themselves as authors, and can be used as a formative assessment.
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Strategy Overview: Content-Based Chants

Singing and chanting give children opportunities to practice using academic vocabulary in a group setting. Singing content-rich chants develops phonemic awareness and taps into musical, auditory, linguistic, intrapersonal, and bodily-kinesthetic knowledge, which helps the children retain information.
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Video: Draw, Tell, & Label

In this video, teachers demonstrate the Draw, Tell, & Label strategy in classrooms with Multilingual Learners. This strategy provides multiple opportunities for children to engage with and practice content area vocabulary.
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Video: Home-School Connection and Projects

Opportunities for curriculum-based learning at home help build relationships with families and support language development for Multilingual Learners. This video showcases an example of a home-school project presentation in a preschool classroom where educators provide high-quality extended talk in multiple languages and provide hands-on, inquiry-based experiences.
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Tip Sheet: Communication with Parents / Comunicación con los padres

This bilingual (Spanish) document explains to parents the benefits of speaking a home language. Advice is shared on how to develop oral home language proficiency and provide high-quality and extended talk opportunities for children.
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Video: Engaging Children with Text & Narrative

This video highlights the ways which books and texts can support literacy and oral language development for Multilingual Learners. For example, educators discuss how to introduce and explain new vocabulary words before, during, and after reading.
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Video & Video Guide: Complex Oral Language

This video emphasizes the importance of immersing Multilingual Learners in an environment with high-quality and extended talk in each language. Teachers can ask questions to elicit complex oral language from children. The accompanying guide suggests moments in the video to pause to notice teachers’ practice, along with prompts for reflection and discussion.
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Video: Affirming Language, Culture & Identity

This video shares asset-based strategies for teachers to engage with families, develop the socio-emotional health of children, and set up a classroom environment to support Multilingual Learners. This resource focuses on preschool but the content applies to all grade bands. Examples come from dual language classrooms.
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Template: Personalized Oral Language Learning (POLL) Planning Grid

This resource provides a Personalized Oral Language Learning (POLL) planning grid template. The planning grid includes spaces for teachers to select words or phrases from a text and to plan on how they will use and reinforce the target words.
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Sample: Personalized Oral Language Learning (POLL) Planning Grid

This resource provides an example of a completed Personalized Oral Language Learning (POLL) planning grid. In this planning grid, the teacher has selected target words and has planned how to reinforce target words by using them throughout the day and across contexts.
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Video: Songs and Chants

In these videos, a teacher discusses the importance of using songs and chants throughout the day with Multilingual Learners. Teachers can connect songs and chants in each language to content learning and incorporate target vocabulary.
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Video: When and What to Support in Home Language

This resource discusses how to reinforce target words and provide language-rich experiences to help give language meaning and purpose. Teachers can support content learning throughout the day by previewing concepts in the home language to activate and build background knowledge.
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Video: Personalized Oral Language Learning (POLL) Using Planning Tools and Strategies

This video explains how to support Multilingual Learners’ oral language development by using a vocabulary planning document and a Personalized Oral Language Learning (POLL) planning grid. These tools help teachers select target words or phrases from a text and reinforce them throughout the day.
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Video: Supporting Home Language through Language Models

This video discusses how "language models" can support Multilingual Learners by integrating English and the home language(s) into classroom activities and conversations throughout the day. Parents and other speakers of children’s home languages can join classroom activities to support children’s development of multiple languages. Language models can provide high-quality and extended talk in each language, including a variety of questions to elicit talk from children.
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Video: Intentional Message

In these videos, a teacher explains how to create an intentional message to use with Multilingual Learners. The intentional message helps teachers reinforce target words while they interact with children.
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Video: Center Extensions

In these videos, teachers discuss ways to align activities to an intentional message and anchor text to help teach target words. The videos also show how hands-on experiences help provide meaning to target words.
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Video: Anchor Texts

In these videos, teachers discuss the importance of having an anchor text and using target words throughout the day. The videos also show how to engage in interactive reading and explain vocabulary words before, during, or after reading.
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