What teachers and administrators need to know to best serve Multilingual Learners
Below you will find answers to key questions along with strategies gleaned from the latest research on Multilingual Learner (ML) children. Each question area includes both research support for why it is important and specific evidence-based strategies. Many of the research studies underlying these practices integrate several strategies over an extended period. This means that determining the impact of a single strategy implemented is not possible. Therefore, individual strategies across the different instructional topics are interconnected, and we must implement them together, in a purposeful and connected manner. Always bear in mind, of course, your classroom or school’s language model when implementing the strategies and adapt accordingly.

Start here!
We recommend reading through the Starter Guide section before exploring the Instructional Strategies. Individual strategies across the different instructional topics are interconnected and should be implemented together, in a purposeful and connected manner throughout instruction, and not in isolation. Make sure to also consider your classroom or school’s language model when implementing the strategies and adapt accordingly.
Visit how to use this site >

1) Family Engagement

2) Social-emotional Health and Development

3) Classroom Environment

4) Oral Language Development

5) Literacy Development

6) Bilingual Classrooms

7) Home Language Development

8) Additional ELD Strategies

9) Content Learning

10) Assessment

11) Building Educators’ Capacity
You can search across all strategies by keyword on our Research Search page. Give it a try!