
10B) Results inform grouping and instruction

Use assessment results to inform instruction based on student English language development progress. Use assessment to inform strategic grouping and small group instruction.

Template: Oral Language Analysis—K-3rd

A template designed to guide the analysis of student's oral language record to identify follow-up instruction they can provide during upcoming Designated ELD time.
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Video: Oral Language Analysis—K-3rd

In this video, the teacher gathers a small group of Multilingual Learners to engage in a brief discussion in response to structured prompts regarding an artifact from the class' ongoing content learning. The teacher records each child's oral responses, and then analyzes the record to identify follow-up instruction they can provide during upcoming Designated ELD time.
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Video: Model Curriculum for English Learners – Family Stories (1st grade)

This video captures a lesson for Multilingual Learners co-taught by a first-grade teacher and an ELD teacher. The teachers share how they intentionally plan to both teach and assess the English language within the content lesson.
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Video: Assessment for English Learners

Teachers at an immersion school in Arlington, VA discuss how they use iterative assessment cycles to inform their instruction.
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Strategy Overview: Strategic Grouping for Home Language Supports

Small group instruction is a key part of instruction for Multilingual Learners. In this resource, teachers find guidelines and rationale for different strategic groupings.
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Guide: Assessing Children Who Are Dual Language Learners

This guide explains how educators can assess Multilingual Learners using the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP). The guide includes information about code-switching, a typical feature of dual language development, and how assessors can ensure they are collecting the most comprehensive information to accurately assess children.
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Website Article: What Research Says About Small Group Intervention

This article summarizes research and discussed how to use assessment to inform strategic groupings for Multilingual Learners, particularly for reading instruction.
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Article: Goals in Small Groups for English Learners

This article shares numerous strategies that can be used to support Multilingual Learners in small group reading instruction to support both reading and English Language Development (ELD) skills.
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Strategy Overview: The Art of Listening to English Learners

This article offers teachers tips on how to listen to Multilingual Learners, especially those who are just beginning to share their thinking in English. While listening, teachers can informally assess language to inform their future instruction.
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Video: Model Curriculum for English Learners- How Do I Feel? (Kindergarten)

In this video, a designated teacher for Multilingual Learners talks through her objectives for a read-aloud lesson. She builds in practice opportunities for the students to use the language of feelings, the language of sequence, and specific use of pronouns. She also uses instructional tools like graphic organizers and an end-of-unit rubric to support student experiences in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. A link to the whole unit plan is available on the video's YouTube page.
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Online Module: Assessment of Students’ Academic and Language Skills

Initial and ongoing assessments in both the home language(s) and English are critical to determine instruction for Multilingual Learners and understand the full range of their skills. This page on the assessment of diverse learners is part of a larger set of online learning modules.
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Strategy Overview: Oral Language Analysis

In this formative assessment, the teacher gathers 1-4 Multilingual Learners to engage in a brief discussion in response to structured prompts regarding an artifact from the class' ongoing content learning. The teacher records each child's oral responses, and then analyzes the record to identify follow-up instruction they can provide during upcoming Designated ELD time.
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