Family Engagement Alignment

7 minute read
How strategies are aligned with Existing California Educator Guidance Documents & Resources
Below you will see how the ML Toolkit strategies for family engagement are aligned with the following existing resources: California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) for early care and education teachers and teaching assistants and K-12 teachers, The California Standards for Teaching Profession (CSTPs), and the English Learner Roadmap. To learn how the standards align across all strategies, visit the alignment reference guide page.
Strategy alignment
Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs): ECE Teachers
TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting All Young Children in Development and Learning
- Element 1.e: Describe the demographics and the cultural and linguistic background and perspectives of the children and families served within in the early childhood setting
- Element 1.f: Apply knowledge of children, including their prior experiences, interests, and social-emotional learning needs, their background knowledge (“funds of knowledge”) and cultural, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds, to engage them in learning
- Element 1.g: Communicate and collaborate in partnership with families in a culturally appropriate and responsive manner to support young children’s development and learning
TPE 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Young Children’s Development and Learning
- Element 2.a: Establish positive home relationships with young children and positive relationships with children’s families
- Element 2.i: Explain how an effective home-school-family connection supports children’s development and learning
TPE 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Developmental and Learning Experiences for all Young Children
- Element 4.k: Develop specific plans for engaging and partnering with families in supporting children’s growth and development
Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs): ECE Assistant Teachers
TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting All Young Children in Development and Learning
- Element 1.e: Describe the demographics and the cultural and linguistic background and perspectives of the children and families served within in the early childhood setting
- Element 1.f: With guidance and direction from the Teacher and/or the Master Teacher, apply knowledge of individual children, including their prior experiences, interests, and social-emotional learning needs, their background knowledge and experiences (“funds of knowledge”) and cultural, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds to help engage them in learning
- Element 1.g: Communicate and collaborate in partnership with families in a culturally appropriate and responsive manner to support young children’s development and learning, with guidance and/or direction from the Teacher and/or the Master Teacher
TPE 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Young Children’s Development and Learning
- Element 2.k: Establish positive home relationships with young children and positive relationships with children’s families
- Element 2.w: Explain how an effective home-school-family partnership supports children’s development and learning
TPE 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Developmental and Learning Experiences for all Young Children
- Element 4.k: Assist in developing specific plans for engaging and partnering with families in supporting children’s growth and development
Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs): K-12 Teachers
TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
- Element 1.1: Apply knowledge of students, including their prior experiences, interests, and social-emotional learning needs, as well as their funds of knowledge and cultural, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds, to engage them in learning.
- Element 1.2: Maintain ongoing communication with students and families, including the use of technology to communicate with and support students and families, and to communicate achievement expectations and student progress.
TPE 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
- Element 4.1: Locate and apply information about students’ current academic status, content- and standards-related learning needs and goals, assessment data, language proficiency status, and cultural background for both short-term and long-term instructional planning purposes.
California Standards for Teaching Profession (CSTPs)
Standard 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
- Element 1.1: Using knowledge of students to engage them in learning
- Element 1.2: Connecting learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests
Standard 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
- Element 4.1: Using knowledge of students’ academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background, and individual development to plan instruction
Standard 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
- Element4: Working with families to support student learning
English Learner Roadmap (ELR)
ELR Principle 1: Assets-Oriented and Needs-Responsive Schools
- Element 1.A. Language and Culture as Assets. The languages and cultures English learners bring to their education are assets for their own learning and are important contributions to learning communities. These assets are valued and built upon in culturally responsive curriculum and instruction and in programs that support, wherever possible, the development of proficiency in multiple languages.
- Element 1.C. School Climate. School climates and campuses are affirming, inclusive, and safe.
- Element 1.D. Family & School Partnerships. Schools value and build strong family and school partnerships.